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How to Start Magnus Quest in BDO?

Learn how to start Magnus Quest BDO and unlock Abyssal Skills, fast travel, and exclusive rewards. Follow this step-by-step guide for a smooth adventure!

How to Start Magnus Quest BDO

BDO presents multiple quests alongside numerous activities that provide players with extended periods of entertainment. The Magnus Quest represents an outstanding new endeavor the developers added to the game. Within the Abyss One: The Magnus expansion, the questline delivers players exceptional rewards such as new abilities and an exclusive fast-travel method. The following information provides everything required how to start Magnus Quest BDO.

Players in BDO Can Find the Magnus Quest as One of Their Main Questlines

Black Desert Online received its extensive Magnus Quest during the release of “Abyss One: The Magnus.” Eamon Asharn launches the Magnus Quest, which reveals mysterious knowledge about the Magnus, which exists as an enigmatic reality within BDO. After finishing the quest, players can obtain various substantial rewards, including:

New Abyssal Skills for Your Character

  • Fast travel between major cities
  • Unique story-driven content
  • Additional skill points and inventory slots

Numerous players rush to finish the Magnus Quest because of its significant gameplay advantages. A successful start requires a specific understanding of how to start Magnus Quest BDO.

Prerequisites for Starting Magnus Quest

Start your Magnus Quest after you fulfill the necessary conditions, including the following requirements:

  • To initiate the quest, your character needs to reach at least level 15 in the game.
  • You should finish a good number of essential story missions so you understand both gameplay mechanics and map features.
  • All Black Spirit introductory quests should be finished because some serve as prerequisites for starting the Magnus Questline.
  • The most current game patch becomes essential as this content requires game updates to become available.

The steps on how to start Magnus Quest BDO are only when you complete these requirements.

The Procedure to Undertake the Magnus Quest in BDO Starts with Visiting Miletree Monastery

Step 1: Obtain the Black Spirit Quest

Your first step should be to obtain the Black Spirit quest from the Black Spirit itself. Summon your Black Spirit through the (,) key command. Find the labeled quest “Abyss One: The Magnus” within the “Quests” section. Double-check that you have accomplished all necessary main story tasks before checking whether the Magnus Quest appears.

Step 2: Travel to the Magnus Entrance

Receiving the assignment leads you to Wuju, which is positioned close to the Ancient Stone Chamber. The Magnus entrance lies situated in proximity to Balenos at a spot southwest of Velia. The designated location appears on your screen through quest markers, so follow them to arrive at your destination.

Step 3: Interact with Wuju

When you arrive at the Magnus entrance area, Wuju manifests as the unique NPC who will accompany you through the Magnus dimension. Start a dialog with the NPC, and he will introduce the primary goals of the quest along with its overall objectives.

Step 4: Enter the Magnus Dimension

Wuju’s conversation will send you into The Magnus alternate reality, through which most of the upcoming task unfolds. You will face puzzles, challenging tasks, and multiple problems that demand practical problem-solving skills in this location.

Step 5: Complete the Abyssal Challenges

The Magnus questline features different Abyssal challenges that reveal fresh mechanics while introducing new magical elements. Some of these challenges include:

  • Solving environmental puzzles
  • Defeating specific monsters
  • Interacting with mysterious objects

You should follow directions to reach concealed areas throughout your journey.

Completing each challenge in the Magnus quest brings progress toward solving its mysteries and unlocks game benefits.

Rewards for Completing the Magnus Questline

After finishing the Magnus Questline, you will obtain a collection of different prizes encompassing:

Abyssal Skills

New potent abilities enable players to boost their combat abilities.

Fast Travel Between Major Cities

The ability to teleport between select locations without needing mounts or travel time.

Additional Skill Points and Inventory Slots

The acquisition of extra skill points and increased inventory capacity support your character development stage.

Exclusive Lore and Story Content

Unique insights into the Magnus and its significance within the BDO universe.

All the available rewards provide an excellent reason to prioritize finishing the Magnus Quest immediately.

Tips for Completing the Magnus Quest Efficiently

  • Prepare your character with enough HP and MP potions since combat challenges will appear.
  • Your navigation will be straightforward when you follow the markers the game interface shows.
  • The solution to complex puzzles becomes more straightforward when you consult guides or forum discussions regarding their solutions.
  • Guild gear plays only a minor role in doing the Magnus mission, but suitable weapons and armor become important when facing combat challenges.
  • Some portions in the questline demand multiple attempts since you must understand its mechanics; therefore, create sufficient time for each step.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How long does it take to finish the Magnus Questline?

The duration needed to finish the Magnus Questline depends on individual problem-solving abilities. The navigation through Magnus Questline demands between 3 to 6 hours as you resolve challenges in relationship to your gaming expertise.

2. Does the Magnus Quest have any restrictions on which character I begin with?

Your character can begin the questline when its level exceeds level 15.

3. Is progress saved if I leave during the storyline?

Yes. A return to The Magnus after leaving will continue your progress at the point where you stopped previously. Your progress is saved.

4. Do I need specific gear to complete the Magnus Questline?

The Magnus Questline does not have any requirements regarding endgame gear equipment. The problems in this quest mainly involve decryption operations instead of physical confrontations.

5. How does the Magnus Quest affect character progression?

Achieving the Magnus Quest goal is beneficial since it grants valuable new gameplay abilities that enable fast travel, allowing players to experience significant enhancement in their gameplay.


The Magnus Questline in Black Desert Online offers players a thrilling adventure into a new dimension, presenting them with challenging puzzles and valuable rewards. Players who aim to access Abyssal Skills alongside fast travel and various valuable in-game perks need to understand how to start Magnus Quest BDO. The guide enhances efficiency when completing the quest so players can easily unlock Abyss One: The Magnus content. Happy adventuring in the world of BDO!
